Saturday, May 23, 2015

"It's just instictive: the natural way we are"

I have always hated this excuse or this "fill in all the blanks" answer to why we do things we do.  It's one of the largest roadblocks in internal growth and study.
During a particularly odd conversation as part of an example I brought up how I am not attracted to genitals and would not have any attraction to anyone despite their looks unless I cared for what was inside of them first, their personality.
Of course this is usually met with skepticism so I bring up the comparison of how you would not be attracted to the scrotum of a dog (not meaning it in particular, but as a chained example, comparing perhaps the behind of a female monkey might have been better), not *normally* anyways.
But the instant response was that of course you would not be attracted to these animal's genitals, it's not instinctive.
This instant blame game on pre-hardcoded specifics like the animal that you would want to have sex with immediately struck a sour note with my own experience.
I have throughout my life watched as my personal growth and change has repeatedly altered and shifted between all of these things.  I have had times in dreams where I fell in love with a cat, and other times where I was homosexual.  As I had dug deeper into myself to change who I was I found that although it was not remotely easy or straightforward, a lot about who and what I loved was up for alteration.
There were by default somethings inside of me that were attracted to just a naked woman, and there still are parts of me that are unavoidably still unchangeably focused in that direction, but it was amazing just how much wiggle room there was for me to use my desperate desire to escape lonelieness or my love for a personality to change what I could accept and then even what I was attracted to both romantically and sexually.
This idea that somehow someone drawing a line between 2 dots: evolution/animalistic behavior, and humanity, proves anything is just naivity.
It's no different then when people would say the moon and the sun could not be out at the same time until the one day when they finally saw them together.  Things like that still happen all the time, where people are sure of some strange cosmic force because it appears so simple, when in reality there are a thousand levels of depth between them and understanding the reality of the matter.
The come up with BOOKS upon LIBRARIES of theories to support this idea that makes enough sense to get excited about, but they can't begin to imagine how beautifully it really goes down.
I am not here to discuss a lot of my ideas for how things may or may not work, I have plenty that could sit here and be debated.
My purpose is not to get people to my side of the fence, but to put down the barbwire on their most precious theories.
It's scary, the worlds that can begin to exist in your mind.  The ideas that are like monsters attempting to drive away your sanity, but you can survive and grow, and if you can't deal with other possibilities or they seem to strange or foolish (and they very well might be so) then put up your fence again, but don't pretend that you are right because anything else seems unacceptable to you.
I am sure that even if you don't realize it, for many of the things you are wrong about but can't accept, there are beautiful answers you would love to know that will make your previous thoughts look like those of a child afraid of the beasts in the closet.

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