Saturday, May 23, 2015

How I become "witty-er"

I'm not a particularly smart or witty guy myself.  I spend most of my thoughts trying to confront an endless delema of how to function with my way of thinking putting the world is such a dark light.
But I do know that the main steps I took to go from a 12 year old kid annoying everyone with repitious and obvious jokes to the gamer I am now (which can far more easily entertain and bring joy to people) was more than just time.
The real question is what level do you want to become?  How sharp do you want your blade and how well do you want to master it?
The problem with most of the "fun gamers" today is they are just blunt instruments swinging at any low level moment they encounter.  They rarely if ever hold their tongue and really think before they act.
The main key to becoming more, to becoming someone who is truly fun in a seemingly natural way is to wait and often not speak at all.  Think and empathize closely with your audience.
See their reactions and then try to really put yourself in their shoes internally.  Don't try to think about it too much or you'll be doing it wrong, just feel what it is they seem to be feeling by how they respond.  Find the level of response you are looking for and practice hitting that spot and no others.  Listen closely for times when you can feel what you have to say will be enjoyable to them on more than just a level in which they will respond positively.  Instead try to reach deeper past their often automatic responses to how they really feel and what they are really after.
To be honest, that almost always is the similar to you, or at least a part of you.
People are a lot more similar than they would like to admit, it's mostly about which internal "way" we take the most.
You do share a lot with even the most "special" people out there, it's just not as directly similar.
But thats for another day.

The main point: is by learning what feelings I loved the most, and making it my priority to master the art of reacreating those feelings in others, it became a clear and simple process for me.  But that only happened because:
1 - I truly cared
and 2 - Because I sharpened my blade instead of swinging it at every chance I got. (hold your tongue)

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